
The Future is WiRa™

For decades, Hollywood films would allow humans a glimpse into the future.
Autonomous vehicles and cyborg butlers were dreams that would one day become a reality.

WiRa™ allows the fiction of movies to become a robotic reality, via customised electronic units synced to our Live Platform that can be controlled over the internet, in real-time.

We are pioneers in the development of Digital Physical Gaming (DPG)™ & Remote Electronic Vehicle Systems (REVS)™.

The Technology ofWiRa™

WiRa™ is a complete robotics package: consisting of a small (yet powerful) semi-autonomous physical unit synced to our online platform, which combined allows for live communication between the end-user and any electronic device they have "brought to life".

Our unit has been tested in devices ranging from scaled Cars to UAVs, and as we now have years of R&D, product growth, brand awareness, a load of media to act as supporting evidence, and the fact we raced against a European Rally champion on Television - gives us the confidence to stand tall as industry leaders.


Bluetooh, WiFi, GPS, GSM, LoRa, FM and even Infra-Red can be implimented.

Power Efficient

Our tech is designed to work seamlessly (Plug N Play) with 230v AC & 9-12v DC systems.

Lightning Speed

Global Latency test results provide low MS results, vital for touch-to-action scenarios.


WiRa™ units are ready for constant changes, allowing for easy upgrading of modules.


Settings which can be remotely updated OTA


Satellite Connection for live geographical co-ordinates


Upgradable hardware including motion sensor feedback

Loss Control

Systems which are able to self-navigate during blackouts


Mains AC or portible DC low power usage requirements


Choices of close and longe range hardware modules available


Live Video feedback modules available in SD & HD


Units created to be rugged and reliable in all terrains

We are the future.


// WiRa™ Presented:Wireless Racer®

An original robotic esports platform - where users from around the world could compete in live online racing by driving physical cars in real-time!

 In 2021, a 5,200sqft custom-built indoor carpetted track in the UK allowed for vigorous 24/7 internet platform, hardware & software testing.

The WiRa™Roadmap

From our humble beginings in a London kitchen to a 5,200sqft Track and a cutting-edge tech solutions which can be out-sourced with ease all over the world. Check out where our journey has driven us and where we plan to drive next...


01/13Idea Formed


01/18Company Registered


01/19Live Public Testing
02/19WIRA Token Cryptocurrency created


01/20Unit secured


01/21Racing Begins
02/21Wireless Racer featured on Channel 5 (UK TV) 'Gadget Show'


01/22Proof of Concept successfully copleted


01/23Branched out to various industries

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